Ray BradburyRay Bradbury died June 5, 2012, at the age of 91 years. I found out a few days later, in the morning, a snippet of the Times in my email,...
A Change of PlanRecently I learned that my friend Hester had been suddenly diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. She had been focused on daily living, her long...
Physicians Have a Natural Role as AdvocatesThis is an article I wrote that was published on Kevin Pho's blog: KevinMD.com As physicians, we are often called upon to be advocates...
New Year’s ResolutionTradition asks us to use the onset of the New Year as a time to make resolutions for changing our behavior for the better in the coming...
The Longest Night — Finding LightIt’s dark — the darkest time of year. Short days and long nights, however cold or warm the climate, evoke the search for light. Many of...
Vaccines, preventable disease, and the nature of riskThis is an article I wrote that was published on Kevin Pho's blog: http://www.kevinmd.com The Nature of Risk: Vaccines and Preventable...
KinshipThis year we celebrated Thanksgiving with a family dinner at our home, bringing together family from both sides and various parts of the...
Giving Thanks – Opening to Hope - Making PeaceMy teens remind me that this holiday of Thanksgiving has a checkered past. Its origin reminds us of when the generosity of one people was...
Occupy HopeThis week Occupy Oakland, in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement, sponsored a General Strike, which culminated in a 2 mile...
Living with Invisible Disability - 1Isn’t it more interesting to skip around the details of our life stories, to tell the part that seems important right now, without the...