Danielle Rosenman, MD

Danielle Rosenman, MD
Enroll now: Stop Your Pain! Group: Learn Powerful Tools That Work (Online'from'Berkeley,'CA)
A participant says: “I have less pain already — a real breakthrough after 30 years of chronic back pain.”
Apply now to join our next weekly online group, starting Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021
Are you living with a health-related challenge?
Stress, anxiety, depression
Illness, medical conditions
Concerns about fertility, parenting, aging, caregiving, end of life
Would you like help?
Support dealing with a stressful situation
Non-judgmental, compassionate guidance for yourself and your family
Assistance with your health concerns, and specific medical advice
Brief or ongoing counseling that addresses your situation and emotional needs

Danielle Rosenman, MD
Medical Counseling
How I Can Help:
During challenging times, it can really help to have sufficient personal time with a compassionate, knowledgeable physician who is experienced in family medicine and has specialized training in counseling — who listens to you, and offers caring support and expert guidance.
I provide individual and couples counseling using a variety of medical, mind-body, psychotherapy, and neuroscience techniques. Together, we’ll explore your situation and look at options that support your needs and goals. We use techniques that help you reduce stress and anxiety, and promote healing and well-being. As a physician, I offer medical guidance as needed for individuals and families, and teach neuroplastic methods and tools you can use to change your brain and decrease your symptoms.
Schedule a free
☎ consultation.
Dr. Rosenman Presents Workshop at
Psychotherapy Society Conference
Danielle Rosenman, MD presented workshops on neuroplasticity at the 2016 and 2018 clinical conferences of the Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society (NCGPS). Her three-hour workshop, titled “A Change of Mind: Neuroplastic Tools for Healing in Groups,” covered how persistent symptoms like pain, anxiety, and depression can be decreased or even eliminated, as Dr. Rosenman does in individual therapy and in her Stop Your Pain! groups, and included experiential activities. This video provides a brief introduction.
Enroll Now:
Join our Next Online Group!
Stop Your Pain! Groups: Learn Powerful Tools That Work
If you live with pain, anxiety, depression, or symptoms of chronic illness and want to feel better — this group is for you.
In this support and educational group you will learn:
specific techniques that help you and the best ways to use them
how, with practice, you will be able to reduce your own symptoms
This method is based on scientific research that helps us understand:
how the brain changes constantly (neuroplasticity), and why that is important
how the brain experiences and perpetuates pain and other chronic symptoms
how we can help the brain change in a way that allows our symptoms to get better
A participant says:
“I learned concrete things I can do to"help"myself.”
includes a free telephone consultation
Tools for Feeling Better
We now know:
The brain changes throughout our entire lives as it “learns” from all of our experiences. This ability is called “neuroplasticity.”
Symptoms like pain, discomfort from illness, anxiety, and depression change the brain, making neural pathways that can keep the symptoms going indefinitely.
You can learn how to reverse this process and start feeling better!
Work individually with me and I’ll teach you!
Join my group “Stop Your Pain!” and learn there!